Altman Z Score

What is Altman Z Score For Risk Assessment in Banks ?

Altman Z Score is used to identify bankruptcy potential of the firms or companies. The Altman score is the output of a credit strength test

State wise Stamp Duty Rates - askbanking

State wise Stamp Duty Rates in India

Latest state wise Stamp Duty Rates along with registration charges in all the states in India. including the commercial properties and rental agreement Stamp duty

Why encumbrance certificate is required-askbanking

Why encumbrance certificate is required? 

Why do Encumbrance Certificate is required while taking a Mortgage based loan from the bank like Home Loan, Mortgage loan or Education loan for abroad

Special Drawing Right

What is Special Drawing Right (SDR) ?

The Special Drawing Right (SDR) is an interest-bearing international reserve asset created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement other reserve assets of member countries.

preferment of the cgtmse claim

Steps for Preferment of the CGTMSE Claim & Invocation of Guarantee

Know the various steps for Preferment of the CGTMSE Claim and Invocation of guarantee by Public Sector Banks and Lending Institutions – MSME loans are

Interest Payment on Fixed Deposit

Interest Payment on Fixed Deposit Maturing on Holiday – Guidelines

Know the RBI guidelines about Interest Payment on Fixed Deposit Maturing on Holiday – What does RBI say about the interest payment on Term Deposit

Cheque Truncation System

How Does Cheque Truncation System Work ?

CTS or Cheque Truncation System is the automation of clearing process in the bank for faster payment of Cheques. This is the process of stopping

Can HUF Continue After Death of Karta

Can HUF Continue After Death of Karta ?

Whether account under HUF Continue After Death of Karta – The answer is ‘Yes’, Karta (Manager) of HUF is the sole authority over HUF account